COMPETITION Code of Conduct Agreement and WAIVER
Victory’s Strongest Competition’s Waiver Agreement
By participating in Strength Training, Weight Training, Strongman, and any associated sport, I recognise that they present challenges and potential risk to body and mind including (but not limited to) mild to serious injury such as sprains, tears, factures, to more serious injuries such as (but not limited to) brakes, dislocations, life-altering injuries and death. I accept all risks of participating and training for competitions and events organised by Victory Bespoke Fitness.
I will not act in a careless or negligent manner that may pose risk to myself or others either during organised events or out with. Whereby injury or damage to body and/or mind arise, I understand I am wholly liable and fully responsible.
By agreeing to this waiver, I confirm that I have not been advised by a medical professional that training and/or competing would be detrimental to my body, mind or general health. During organised events by Victory Bespoke Fitness, should I feel that continuing would pose potential risk to my mind or body, I am responsible for withdrawal at any and all times. Should I choose to withdraw from participation during a competition, or prior, I waive my right to any reimbursement of money paid towards entry fee or any associated costs. As I agree to full responsibility and liability, I discharge and remove all liability from Victory Bespoke Fitness for any current or future damage or claim to body, mind and or property.
At organised events, such as competitions, I recognise that I will be provided with reasonable time and equipment to prepare physically and mentally for participation. I will not use any defective equipment, and I will report any equipment that appears defective to the venue. I am liable for any injury or damage to my body that arises from misuse of equipment, time or defective equipment, and agree that neither Victory Bespoke Fitness nor the venue are liable.
During organised events, I understand that photos and videos may be taken. I agree to photos and videos, whereby I am visible, to be used for legitimate reasons by Victory Bespoke Fitness, such as marketing and promotion. I also agree that photos and videos, whereby I am visible, can be used for legitimate reasons by third parties (such as Venues, Sponsors and/or other Athletes or Coaches), for the purpose of marketing and promotions.
Victory Bespoke Fitness - Code of Conduct Agreement
This Code of Conduct Agreement is in place to safeguard the integrity, wellbeing, fortitude and preservation of Victory Bespoke Fitness and all those associated or benefiting either directly or indirectly. Victory Bespoke Fitness wants to create a community that celebrates the success and efforts of others and provides an opportunity for personal growth & development both physically & mentally.
Victory Bespoke Fitness believes to achieve the above goal, those involved must adhere and agree to the following conduct.
In respect of:
Third party associations such as Sponsors, Suppliers, Coaches and Spectators
You agree to follow the code of conduct in the respective areas outlined below:
Zero Tolerance Policy:
Victory Bespoke Fitness operates a zero-tolerance policy whereby any form of discriminatory behaviour will not be tolerated at any time, whether that be during, prior or following any organised event. This equally applies to bullying and/or harassment. We expect all athletes to treat everyone with the utmost respect at all times.
Social Media:
You should take care when using social media platforms and consider appropriate and responsible use. Any derogatory, offensive, adverse, untrue or defamatory comments circulated, whereby the material is directly or indirectly aimed at any party this agreement aims to protect, will be asked to be removed. You agree to ensure this is immediately removed.
Social media is ever evolving so the below list does not aim to be exhaustive, only to provide guidance on the platforms in question:
Facebook Messenger
Organised Events:
During organised events, such as competitions or organised training sessions, you agree to follow rules and instructions given to you to minimise potential risk to yourself, others and property. You will not misuse any of the equipment or property provided and will not place anyone (including yourself) in any situation that could cause potential risk to mind, body and or property.
You will arrive on time to organised events and be respectful of other venues, households or businesses within the area. This includes noise levels. We kindly ask that you do not leave any litter, rubbish or waste in the venue, or surrounding areas, following any event.
Whereby Victory Bespoke Fitness believes you are in breach of any of the above, we will investigate further and issue a warning where appropriate. Should this be breached again, you will not be allowed to partake in any future organised events.
Lastly, we want you to have fun and enjoy the experience. Should you feel this has not been possible due to a breach of the above, we encourage you to speak with Scott Fraser or Kerry Emms. We will look to resolving grievances and minimising a repeat of breaches again.
I agree that I have read and understood the content above and, by signing this document, I waive all legal rights and liabilities and any incurring legal right and liabilities.